Celtic Harp

The Celtic harp is also known as the Irish harp or cláirseach, is a small, triangular, stringed instrument that has been an integral part of the traditional music of Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. The Celtic harp is characterized by its delicate and ethereal sound which is produced by plucking the strings with the fingers. Celtic harps typically have a range of 22 to 38 strings made of nylon, gut, or wire, and can be either levered or non-levered.


The Celtic harp has a long history in the Celtic regions dating back to the early medieval period. It was a symbol of prestige and played an important role in the courts of Irish and Scottish kings and chieftains. The harp's popularity declined during the 19th century due to social and political factors but it experienced a revival in the 20th century as part of the broader Celtic music renaissance.

Role in Celtic Music

In Celtic music, the harp serves as both a melody and accompaniment instrument. Harpists often play traditional tunes, dance music, and accompany songs using a combination of melody, chords, and arpeggios to create a rich and textured sound. The harp can also be used as a solo instrument showcasing the intricate and expressive nature of the traditional repertoire.

Playing Techniques

Plucking: The use of the fingers to pluck the strings producing a delicate and ethereal sound.

Chords and arpeggios: The use of chords and arpeggios to create harmony and texture in the music.

Ornamentation: The incorporation of ornamentation such as grace notes, slides, and trills to enhance the melody and add expressiveness to the performance.

Damping: The use of the fingers to dampen or mute the strings, controlling the resonance and sustain of the instrument.

Notable Celtic Harp Players

Turlough O'Carolan: An Irish harpist, composer, and a renowned traditional musician from the 17th century known for his significant contributions to Celtic music. His well-known classics blended a unique mix of Irish and Baroque styles.

Máire Ní Chathasaigh: An Irish harpist recognized for her skillful playing, innovative techniques, and contributions to the development of the modern Irish harp style.

Catriona McKay: A Scottish harpist known for her virtuosic technique, expressive playing, and her collaborations with musicians from various genres including fiddle player Chris Stout.

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